
At Donnelly, we are proud to offer an on-site associate degree program to the inmates of 兰辛监狱 在堪萨斯州的兰辛市.


Donnelly began offering classes at our 兰辛监狱 satellite campus in 2001.


  • 400+ 从2001年开始上课的囚犯
  • 39 获得副学士学位的兰辛学生



Earning a college degree is the single most effective tool to lower recidivism and to prevent individuals from returning to a life of crime after their release. 在美国, 70% of all inmates released will be arrested again within 5 years (backgroundcheck.com). Prisoners who participate in any kind of education program results in a 43% reduction in overall recidivism (Rand.org). With a college degree, recidivism drops to only 19% (US Sentencing Commission).


According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics the United States spends roughly $80 billion dollars per year to incarcerate roughly 2.3 million people -- many of which have returned to prison after being unable to find opportunity and employment after their release. With educated individuals exiting the prison system and experiencing a much lower recidivism rate, 这将节省数十亿美元. 


回归犯罪生活的人越来越少, 我们将为所有人创造一个更健康、更安全的社会. 


Providing inmates with an education creates self-sufficiency and self-confidence as they start to realize a better path in life and gain the necessary skills to attain it.



“我告诉自己,等我进了监狱,我会做得更好. I have now obtained an associate degree and am working on a bachelor's degree. I am grateful for the support from KDOC facilitators and the Donnelly instructors."


“对我来说, college was a chance to prove that I would be able to pick myself back up after such a terrible mistake. Donnelly not only provided me with the opportunity to develop my academic potential, 但也有机会成为更好的人."


“毕业是我一生中最重要的日子之一. My self-esteem has soared, and I truly believe I can accomplish any goal. 我的教育拉近了我与家人和朋友的距离. 我的孩子们现在很尊敬我."


“(这个项目)给了我们机会.... Having the opportunity to not lose those years — to be able to walk out and do something — the appreciation can't be said."


欲了解更多信息,请LPL外围网址 lansing@weiwen93.com.